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You just earned 10 Dunlop Dollars for completing a training session - nice job! Remember, you can use your Dunlop Dollars at any time on anything in our Dunlop Swag Store, which is available from your Dashboard. Keep at it!
My dad had a mentality to sell in the dealership what he was riding on, so we’ve always sold Dunlop tires. There’s a lot of brand recognition and a lot of strength to the brand, and I think that makes the sale a lot easier. It’s really important that our customers see a brand they are familiar with. Tire sales are a significant part of our business, and we sell premium products here. When our customers see Dunlop, they see a premium brand.
Dunlop’s racing heritage and continuing efforts bring back that old saying, “What wins on Sunday sells on Monday.” Brands like Dunlop that do a lot of competitive events and market that competitiveness do a lot better in our dealership because our customers recognize it and connect to the aggressive, competitive side of the brand.
Consumers today are extremely well informed, and where a product is made is increasingly important. Made in America is a movement that continues to grow. When a customer sees that, they are more likely to make that purchase and feel good about buying an American product, so having tires that are made in America helps distinguish Dunlop from other brands.
Tire sales are responsible for a significant portion of our overall service revenue. It is our belief that if you have your customer’s tire business, you have most all of their other motorcycle business.
The Dunlop brand is by far the strongest motorcycle tire brand in our market. Dunlop’s marketing efforts drive tire business to our store. I would say 90-percent of our customers are looking for the Dunlop brand when they ask about tires. I think what distinguishes Dunlop from other brands is the quality and performance of the product as well as Dunlop’s relationships with manufacturers. As a Harley store, I can tell you it’s also important to most of our customers that Dunlop tires are made in the U.S.A.
I have been a Dunlop dealer since 1978. Today, Dunlop accounts for 90-percent of our overall tire sales annually. They are very important to our business.
Tires sales are very significant for us because they get people in the door. And the people who come into our shop know the Dunlop name, so we know the marketing is working—even if they sometimes pronounce it “Dunlap.” Haha. Our customers are weekend riders.
About 80-percent of the Harley riders looking for tires come in asking for Dunlops, and about 70-percent of the sport bike riders ask for Dunlops. Needless to say, Dunlop tires are important to our business.
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