Submit Customer Rebates


You can now earn 400 Dunlop Dollars for every valid rebate you submit on behalf of your customer. We provide two ways for you to submit rebates for Dunlop Dollars below.


For handling a rebate for a customer, we will award you 5 Dunlop Dollar per rebate. All you have to do is hit the “Submit” button on the previous screen to start the process. Once you have successfully submitted a rebate for your customer, they will receive an email to confirm and complete their rebate - and at that Dunlop Dollar you will receive your Dunlop Dollars. You can track all approved and pending rebate submissions via the Rebate Activity Log.

To view all the available rebates that your dealership is qualified for based on location, click the “View” button on the previous “Earn” screen, or tap here to view available rebates.

You will receive 5 Dunlop Dollars for every successful rebate submission, regardless of the customer’s rebate amount.

Once your customer has clicked on the “Complete My Rebate” button in the email that was sent to them after your submission, that is when you will receive your 5 Dunlop Dollars. Any rebates that were submitted, but the customer didn’t approve any terms, would be considered a “Pending” rebate. You are welcome to follow up with those customers on your own, but Dunlop Customer Support will reach out to any Pending rebate customers at set times. Check your Rebate Activity Log for a full overview of your rebate Dunlop Dollars.

We provide some troubleshooting tools to help in the scenario of a customer not receiving an email so they can complete the process. Usually this is caused just by the email from Dunlop going to spam, but you can also re-send the email to your customer or update their email address if there’s any issues without needing to submit a whole new rebate. You can find these tools by tapping on any Pending rebates on the Rebate Activity Log.